Get involved in a CSR strategy
What is the CSR ?
It is the Corporate Social Responsibility. Over the past decade, companies paid more and more attention to their decisions’ impact on the economic and social environment, and the ecosystem. Through this approach, they adopt a more ethical and sustainable development and act in the economic, social and environmental spheres in a transparent way.
Except in Europe, the CSR is not very supervised. Indeed, the European Union suggested solutions and methods to follow a CSR strategy. But real legislations have been implemented on a national scale in a few country, in France especially.
In the rest of the world, there is no specific legislation but some guidelines exist for companies which would like to get involved on that way:
UN Global Compact: the companies should have coherent strategies and operations regarding the universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Their actions should also be a springboard for societal goals.
The Multinational Enterprises Declaration (1977): this text gives recommendations about general policies, employment, training, industrial relations and conditions of work and life.
The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: companies should identify, prevent and reduce actual and potential adverse impacts.
Which companies are concerned by the CSR ?
Because there is no concrete legislation on this topic, companies have no obligation to follow a CSR strategy. But, even in the USA where company managers are free to adopt this plan, more and more organizations are getting involved in the CSR. It is a voluntary and individual decision which has many positive repercussions.
The CSR advantages
For society:
- More equality and respect between people, improvement in life and work conditions
- A better protection of the environment and energy resources
- More transparency of the economic sphere
For the company:
- Innovation
- Creation of strong and reliable relationships with stakeholders
- Reduction of risks
- Improvement of the public image and a better profitability: people are more likely to buy products or services to responsible companies than to others. That way they can also participate in the sustainable development, and feel integrated.
Which projects can you run ?
Here are some CSR examples:
Economic sphere
- A customer loyalty campaign
- Support of local suppliers
- Transparency with investors
Social sphere
- Definition of the corporate culture, by consulting employees
- Equal opportunity policy (internat promotion)
- Adapted trainings for employees to the company's posts
Environmental sphere
- A sustainable use of natural resources
- Encouragements to use public transports
- Protection of biodiversity, thanks to an innovative solution, such as the Bee Label connected beehive